Manifesting the Good
I originally wrote this in 2013…all still holds true today…
When I work with my life coaching clients…and often with my personal training clients…and always with my friends and the boys, I discuss “manifesting the good” into your life. Some will always regard this idea as hocus pocus, and the good news is that we live in a free country where you absolutely can believe that. I have just seen manifestation work too many times to discount it as anything but a real entity.
When we say things like “I will never get the job that I want, I will never meet the right guy, there is no way that I am going to do well on this test, I always mess things up”…do you know what happens the majority of the time? Exactly what we are hoping will NOT happen because by thinking, saying or writing it, we are calling just that to us from the universe. We certainly cannot control everything. It might rain on your wedding day or snow on the day that you are supposed to fly to a warm vacation destination…but for the parts of our life that we actually have the power to steer, if not control, positive manifestation is amazing. AMAZING.
Recently, I was working with a life coaching client who has been dating all the wrong guys. On her goal list, she had positive statements about what she wanted for her health and work…and then “no more dysfunctional men.” We talked about what was wrong with that statement, she crossed it out, and she replaced it with, “meet a man that shares my interests and makes me laugh.” She met that man 2 days later and had 3 dates with him the first week. Amazing. Did I mention amazing?
About 2 weeks ago, I was missing my son Mark like crazy. He is a junior in college and is studying abroad this semester. One of my clients asked when I was going to go visit him, and I explained that with 2 kids in college, it just wasn’t going to work out for me to go, but that I knew he would be home before I knew it. Well, this most amazing and generous client bought me a ticket that week to go visit Mark. Round trip. All set. Amazing!!! Mark is thrilled (of course…who wouldn’t be thrilled to get to spend 3 days with me??), and I know that it is going to be a long weekend of laughter and love and making wonderful stories and memories. I am beyond grateful.
This past weekend, Mark was traveling from Spain to Florence, Italy and his iPhone was stolen. Mark was completely unharmed, most importantly, and was able to use a friend’s phone to contact me so I could go about helping him get a new phone. In seeking information via Facebook about the best, most reliable, and speedy method to get a phone that we already owned that no one was using at my house to Mark, one of my college friends, whom I had not seen in 25 years, reached out to say that she had a niece studying in Barcelona who had had a similar issue and that she would find out how it was remedied. Long story short, in this amazing world, my friend’s sister’s daughter takes International Finance with Mark in Barcelona AND the friend’s sister is flying to Barcelona Wednesday (tomorrow) and is happy to deliver the phone that I have directly to Mark. For free. Quite speedy. Extremely reliable. I knew that there would be a remedy; I just didn’t know what the remedy would be, but I knew that it would work out. AMAZING.
This happens all the time. I know that clients will come, even if I don’t know who the clients are yet. I know that people will help, even if I don’t know what type of help is required. And I keep my eyes and ears open for opportunities to be the boots on the ground when someone else needs help…or at least an ear to listen. It is good karma, and good karma is absolutely as powerful as bad karma. I don’t think it is hocus pocus. I think that we are magnets for the type of people that reflect who we are, for the type of experiences that we are leaving ourselves open to, and for the bright, happy and loving future that we envision.
Who are you calling into your life? Your worst fears or your best dreams? What future events are you defining…success or failure? Happiness or stress? While the waist is a terrible thing to mind, the mind really is a terrible thing to waste. Send verbal and mental invitations out to people who will support and love you and give you the opportunity to do the same. If you live with your heart wide open, make sure that the welcome mat greets those who will enrich your life and let you send the love right back out into the universe. When you don’t leave room for anger and bitterness and fear in your heart and mind, it empties your cup to be filled with happiness, peace, enthusiasm, self-confidence, and love.
Clean out your cup. Take a deep breath. Write down what you really want and deserve and reflect the same out into the universe. Need help with the process? Let me know. It is wonderful behavior to model for your children. They notice. Even Mark said, “That never happens, Mom. This is a great story for you!” They all lived happily ever after, and it was amazing. And that’s just the beginning…